New Beginings

We have had a rough 3+ years. A lot of personal tragedy, weather-related disasters for some of our team members, and too much of a personal nature to list in this format. We haven’t given up though. We haven’t quit. In between the trials, turmoil, and sorrows, we are still trying to use our gifts and talents to make games for the Lord, to reach the world with a message of hope and truth.

We are still working on Visions. Our team is much smaller now, but still working. Please pray for us that our developers will have time, energy, and enthusiasm every week to work on the Visions project. This is not possible as a one or two person project, we really need the full team. Every person is important, and when they are missing, we all feel it.

The middle of last year (don’t remember what month off hand) we started working on a couple of VR projects. We had hoped to get them out quickly, but due to complications associated with moving out of state that didn’t happen. We are still working on it though. These are smaller projects that can actually be done by just a couple of people. We’re hoping they will have big returns though. We’re keeping the game titles and concepts under wraps for now, but they are two completely unrelated games and we’re hoping that people will have fun with them.

Our newest project is meant to be a tiny little project (though feature creep could make it explode) that will bring people together to pray for one another. We got the idea for Prayer Battle back in November 2016, and started working on it right away. The holidays slowed us down a little, and 7 weeks of snow slowed us down as well. But this week (the 3rd week of February) has been fantastic for making progress in game development. You can read about our new application, Prayer Battle, on it’s own website at and you can find us on Facebook as well. Please pray for us that we will get this project finished quickly. We’re really excited to be offering this opportunity facilitate prayer in a mobile application.

Our development team runs on blessings. Pray that the Lord meets our needs through game development (or however He wants to meet our needs) so we can focus on this work and not be distracted by other things that demand our time and resources. Thank you for praying. It helps!

Thank you for taking the time to read our news update. It’s been a while since we posted anything here. We apologize for that. life kind of threw us for a loop but we’re picking up the pieces and getting back on track. God bless you.