The flagship project of HBTZ is Visions, a Christian MMORPG set in the 2nd century Holy Land using the Unity 3D game engine with the Atavism MMORPG asset add-on. Visions is a quest and skill based game where the player can experience history as a Roman citizen, study the profession skills of a trade, and learn about Biblical history through visions and dreams. Visions is still in development, but our test server is open for play to paid supporters. Join the conversation on our HBTZ Games Community discord server.
Silvergarde Chronicles
Silvergarde is our newest release and available to buy right now from The Game Crafter, a print-on-demand publishing company. Silvergarde Chronicles is a fantasy themed cooperative role-playing card game designed by Rivan Wells. Eight different characters each with unique abilities have been created for prototype gameplay, as well as location cards that comprise the map, treasure, monsters, and environment cards. A full set of polyhedral dice, game markers and the complex card deck are all used in playing Silvergarde. You can find out more about it on the Silvergarde website.
Also produced by volunteers through HBTZ is Chariots, a racing game set in ancient Rome on the island of Cyprus. Players can race on foot, on horseback or in a chariot. Chariots was released in July 2008 and is available for sale on the website.
In July 2009 Laurene released her first card game, Messiah, through the online publisher TGC. Messiah is a paper (table-top) card game for 2-10 players with a surprise ending. You can learn more about Messiah on this page.
In July 2010 Laurene participated in an on-site game design contest at CGDC and developed the prototype for the board game Treasures In Heaven, and won the award for best board game. Treasures in Heaven is a cooperative board game about the fruits of the spirit for 2 to 9 players. It is helpful if players can read, but color coded cards make it possible for younger players to join the fun with the adults! Players work together to gather all the fruits of the spirit before the rains come and spoil the harvest.
Pedich Edhellen? is a simple flashcard game to help players learn to speak Elvish. This app focuses primarily on Quenya, the “High Elf” language from Lord of the Rings invented by J.R.R. Tolkien for use in his stories. Pedich Edhellen? uses an immersion method of language instruction which has the student speaking Quenya from the very first lesson. Sound is included for every card, but is optional so may be used silently if desired.
Games and Applications that are currently in development
We are working on a brand new game idea that has opportunities for candy companies to partner with us and bring fun and excitement to the lives of our players.
is a small application designed for mobile devices to bring people together in prayer. People will be able to click a button to post a prayer request, and click another button to pray for the prayer requests that have been posted.
is a new mobile project we started where players can earn coupons, discounts, and other bonuses they can use in the real world. This is a sponsor funded title where businesses can get their company listed in the game to get their coupons, products and services in front of players in the game world. Players experience the game as a hero in an apocalyptic world where they rescue people, and deliver life saving items to safe places in the game world.
is a fully interactive 3D graphics game being developed by a small fragment of our team and a teenager leading the design choices. Adults are leading the development, but our goal is to make a game designed by a teenager for teenagers. Be the dragon! Grow from a hatchling to adulthood. Survive. Explore. Create. Collaborate.
Vacuum of Space is a cooperative, tile based board game designed by Zephan Wells. Characters are crew members on a ship that has been partially destroyed. They must find materials to rebuild their ship to survive, sometimes while under attack! Players choose a character to play that determines what type of components they can build and what type of moves they can make to help the team. Development of Vacuum of Space began the summer of 2019 and was progressing rapidly until Covid hit and halted our progress for tabletop games. The plan was for it to be available to buy on The Game Crafter. We may be prodcing a computer game version of Vacuum of Space, but that will take longer. You can watch our progress here!
Do you have a game idea but don’t know where to start? Hire our team of Game Designers! We can help you with game design, design document writing, and logo creation.
Do you have the budget to make a game, but not the team? We can put together a team for you to make your game. Contact us for estimates.
Are you looking for something else related to that isn’t about the games we make? Check these resources below!
The Tiny Summit is a place where we invite other experts in the game development industry to come teach us more about what it’s like to make games, to make games more successfully, and how to balance it all. Come join us!
We have a Roman cookbook that was written as a promotional item for Visions. Several members of the team have also put their pen to the test and self-published some books also. You can see the full listing on our Book page in the Tinyzoo store.
Our online courses are currently being hosted on Thinkific. Check it out!
Are you looking for the Zambezi Valley Christian Mission in Zimbabwe? You want this link:
We do not operate or have any influence in the ZVCM ministry, but we did create and host their website for them as a contribution to their work. If you have any questions for Alec or his ministry, please contact him as we don’t know what he is currently involved with over there.
Are you looking for the world of Kolo? You want to go here to find out what he’s doing with his project these days.