Chariots collector CD up for auction!
Chariots on Ebay
Chariots on Ebay
Manager positions open on volunteer team.
tinyzoo live, recruiting more volunteers
Visions Screenshots of Kourion theater
HBTZ on StartupNation
Chariots for sale on GameStreamer
The clouds have returned to block out the heat! It’s a beautiful day in Oregon. Too bad CGDC had to be during the hottest week in history! And the expo center was in a NON-air-conditioned room to boot! The result of this however is that we have some CGDC Special Edition numbered lot, autographed Chariots …
Read more “CGDC 2009 Special Edition Chariots – limited time!”
One of the topics at CGDC (the Christian Game Developers Conference) this year was on social marketing. Seth Crofton taught us about using social networking to maximize our marketing opportunities for distributing our Christian and family friendly games. He has identified dozens of marketing opportunities in the social network. Some that I am already using …
Reposting this from my old blog. —– I just got this notification in email this morning! (May 15) Check it out! — Congratulations, Chariots, one of your products, has been added to Softpedia’s database of games and gaming tools. It is featured with a description text, screenshots, download links and technical details on this page: …