We have new programming classes! George Garman, a Visions team Senior Programmer, has offered to serve on our team as a Programming Instructor for our new developers who are learning, or need to brush up on their skills. He will be developing a series of courses to teach specific programming concepts in C++ and Torque Script.
Membership on the development team is required for participation in the class as many class projects will be directly related to our game development projects. Currently there is no fee for joining George’s classes, but assignments will need to be turned in on time and in completion to stay in the class. We will be working on delivery methods as technology becomes available. Currently emails, IRC, Teamspeak and videos are anticipated to be the primary delivery methods of information, as all classes are online. Live instruction will be recorded and used for future classes as well. George will be working closely with the Director of Programming, Mark Dynna, to coordinate his class instruction to the needs of the game. Class Assignments will be geared toward needs of the development project whenever possible, thus meaning that students will be working directly with actual game code much of the time. As students attain a level of proficiency that they can engage in self-directed learning, they will be given more independant task assignments on the game project to work with. It is expected that the students will ask questions about issues they have with their project assignments to advance their knowledge.
A minimum of a 1 year commitment is required for this programming internship/apprenticeship opportunity. If you are wanting to join George’s programming classes, please send in an online volunteer application to officially confirm your interest and note on the application that you are interested in the Programming Apprenticeship classes. Apply online here:
Thank you for your interest in our game development projects! If you would like to learn more about our company before applying you can visit our company website here https://tinyzoo.com.
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